Monday, 30 September 2013

Weekly NMD Story...

Tesco's £119 Hudl tablet hits stores...
Affordable 7in Android challenger to Amazon's Kindle Fire and Google's Nexus 7 tablets is now available-store and online

The new Tesco's budget 'Hudl' tablet was announced last week and is now available on sale in 1,000 Tesco stores and online for £119. The tablet runs version 4.2 of Google's similar Android software on a 7inch high definition screen with 16GB of built in storage and a 1.5GHz quad core processor. The tablet is also available in four colours which are of black, blue, red and purple. It provides instant access to Tesco's online stores and services, including online grocery shopping, moreover the tablet has access to Google's Play Store and the full Android platform including the ability to run any of the standard Android apps. The Hudl costs £119, but can also be bought for £60 worth of Tesco Clubcard loyalty vouchers using Tesco's "Clubcard Booster" scheme.

- Hudl tablet £199.
- Tesco clubcard £60.
 "The tablet market is unbelievably competitive with extremely narrow margins, but that's something Tesco is used to," said Ben Wood, mobile analyst, talking to the Guardian.
- Version 4.2 of Google's similar Android software.
- 7inch high definition screen with 16GB of built in storage and a 1.5GHz quad core processor.

The new Hudl tablet is in a lot of competition I think as there are Amazon's £99 Kindle Fire and Google's £199 Nexus 7 tablet. Technology is growing very fast these days therefore a large audience would be interested in the latest gadgets available, especially when they are cheap with high definition and quality. 

Weekly NMD Story...

BBC must realise that children choose TV programmes, not branding...
Blue Peter
Switching over … Fewer boys are watching shows on CBBC, such as Blue Peter.

The BBC Trust's has found that children's services are at risk as it's falling behind rapidly changing media consumptions of UK children. The development of technology has increased massively and had reflected on children today as they want to watch other shows, CBBC and CBeebies have become less popular for young audiences as they find it too 'babyish'. The trust identified 2.1 million UK children aged 4-12 who watch BBC1 however do not watch CBeebies or CBBC any more. Furthermore as the BBC knows the UK's children are extremely technology-literate and getting more so, therefore their tastes are becoming more interested in the new gadgets and trends being advertised out. The stories said are to be a ten year old a decade ago will now be barely satisfied than an eight year old. 

- 2.1 million UK children aged 4-12 who watch BBC1.
- Younger audience don't watch CBBC or CBeebies any more.
- Children's services are at risk.
- Technology developing very quick therefore children want the latest trends.
6 to 12 year-olds having access to a tablet or smartphone.

I personally think children services are at risk, because the amount of young audiences that watch CBBC or CBeebies have decreased as they have an interest in other channels that view some Children programmes on other services. Furthermore the development of technology effects the young audience as they want the latest trends such as smartphones and tablets therefore children are able to access the programmes they want on there.

How has Citizenship and Journalism changed News?

Asian Tsunami...
On Sunday 26th December 2004 boxing day at 00.58.53 the Indian Ocean was struck by an massive earthquake in the centre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia also hitting other countries around such as Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Thailand and many more. The earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was deducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries and one million homeless. 
Moreover this was significant to citizen and journalism as this footage above was taken by actual people at the time of the event, they had posted the footage online such as social networking sites which spread the story around very quickly allowing family and friends from different countries to contact them loved ones.

Rodney King...

This was actual footage recorded by an member of the public using a camera and was broadcast online of Rodney King an African American who was racially abused by four Los Angeles police officers in 1991. The attack was very brutal as it was a racial attack, the police officers had accused King of drug use and violence therefore the police officers took action, however the video footage explains what really happened which was of  the officers pulling over King for speeding and beating him up several times with a taser. The officers Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, Theodore Briseno and Stacey Koon were charged with criminal offences and assault with an deadly weapon however as the sentence was set in Simi Valley L.A a majority of white people. The sentence was later on released, which caused riots as there was no African Americans as juries and many started to protest.
This event in 1991 was significant to citizen and journalism because the actual footage above shows what was actually witnessed of Rodney's Kings action. The footage reveals the truth about what actually happened, the footage was obviously taken by an citizen as it was not professional and happened to be there at the right time. 

7/7 Bombings...
The 7/7 bombings took place in London July 7th 2005, at 9:47 in the morning, where public transport was targeted as many people would be using the transport during rush hour. That morning four bombs were detonated, three targeting London Underground trains across the city and another late on a double decker bus in Travistock Square. The four terrorists involved in this terrifying tragedy died along with fifty-two people and seven hundred more were injured. This was a very significant day as it was the very first terrorist attack in the United Kingdom.
This is relation to citizen and journalism as the footage at the start of the clip was recording using a mobile phone at the time of the event, and was broadcast online.

Mumbai Terrorists Attack...
In 2008 Wednesday 26th November the Mumbai attacks involved twelve shootings and bombing attacks across the largest city and ended on Sunday 29th November. Furthermore, the Mumbai attackers were directed by the Lashkar-e-Taiba militant in Pakistan and there was ten young armed men trained and sent to Mumbai but had directions from people in Pakistan through mobile phones. The attack left 164 people killed and 308 people wounded.
The Mumbai bombings was significant to citizen and journalism as the footage was recorded on CCTV camera and became very useful for people to see what had happened. Moreover it was useful for police officers as they could investigate on the attack of how and when it all happened.

Virginia Tech Shooting... 
April 16th 2007 was the Virginia Tech massacre which took place on a campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blackburg United States. The massacre was the most shocking and deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in the United Stated, killing 32 people and wounded 17 others. Seung-Hui Cho committed suicide after the attacks.

This relates to citizen journalism through the footage taken by an citizen at the place of the attack, the footage shows at the beginning of the murderer firing two gun shots and the voice reaction of the people around which is very terrifying and was broadcast online.

Hudson River...
On January 15th 2009 the US Airways Flight 1549 was scheduled domestic commercial passenger flight from LaGuardia Airport in New York City to Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina, and onward to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in SeaTac, Washington. The flight has lost control of the engine power and landed in the Hudson River off midtown Manhatan. This was a very lucky event as the plane did not crash into the city killing hundreds off people whereas the pilot tried his best to keep his passengers from harm, luckily no one was killed.
This relates to citizen and journalism as the footage was recorded on a camera nearby to the event and captured the terrifying moments of the plan landing into the Hudson River.

Exam Feedback...

Development in New and Digital Media mean that audiences can have access to a greater variety of views and values ..

WWW: Clearly written some good examples/points on first page.
EBI: Include theory/critics. Improve introduction (use keywords). More formal approach (don't use 'I').

Level 2+ = D

Monday, 23 September 2013

The rise and rise of UGC...

1. What is meant by the term ‘citizen journalist’?
Citizen journalists are the audience who have become users and the users have become publishers. They have started creating their own content, a era of user generated content (UGC) where the old divide between institutions and audience is being eroded.

2. What was one of the first examples of news being generated by ‘ordinary people’?
In the 1990's the development of new technology started rising the citizen journalists such as using video phones or cameras, moreover the the growth of internet and user do,inated sites have increased to publish user generated content. One of the first examples of news being generated by ordinary people was the Rodney King incident, an African-American who was chased after speeding and drug use. Los Angeles police officers who were of White-American had abused the 25 year old by tasering and beating him up with clubs and accused King of offending the police officers. However the event was filmed by an person who was looking out his apartment window where he had witnessed the incident and therefore took a home footage on his camera which was a popular technology in the 1990's and affordable.

3. List some of the formats for participation that are now offered by news organisations.
Message boards, chat rooms, Q&A, polls, have your says and blogs with comments enabled. Another user generated content source would be social networking sites for example: Bebo, MySpace, Youtube, Facebook and etc. The citizen journalists and audiences turn to these social media sites to access news.

4. What is one of the main differences between professionally shot footage and that taken first-hand (UGC)?
The differences between professionally shot footage and hand taken footage are different as hand taken footage provides another opportunity for citizen journalists to influence the mainstream news agenda, moreover no one was closer to the events than those at the time therefore the footage they provide from their mobile phones or cameras was raw and uncompromising. A first-hand view, rather than professionally shot footage from behind police lines, is often more hard-hitting and emotive. An audience used to relatively unmediated reality through the prevalence of reality TV can now see similarly unmediated footage on the news.The desire for everyone to tell their own story and have their own moment of fame may explain the huge popularity of Facebook, MySpace and other such sites.

5. What is a gatekeeper?
When journalists and editors create their own news they decide what news is and what it isn't (user generated content) and publish it on social sites for audience to watch. 

6. How has the role of a gatekeeper changed?
Gatekeeper role has changed as the audience who watch the journalists and editors point of view, they are able to also publish their story of news online such as the media social sites to get their opinion and suggests across just like journalists.

7. What is one of the primary concerns held by journalists over the rise of UGC?
One of the primary concerns held by journalists over the rise of user generated content is likely that in the future there will be fewer and fewer permanent trained staff at news organisations, leaving a smaller core staff who will manage and process user generated content citizen journalists. Some audiences think the mediators and moderators might eventually go too and leaving the world where the media is finally unmediated, therefore this does raise concerns about UGC.

- UGC from citizen journalists, sometimes known as ‘crowd sourcing.’
The change in the landscape of the news means that groups who had little access to self-representation before, such as youth groups, low income groups, and various minority groups may, through citizen journalism, begin to find that they too have a voice.
- You can send in as much UGC to the major news organisations as you want, with no guarantee that any of it will ever be aired.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

News Sources...

Channel 4 News is the news division of British television broadcaster Channel 4. It is a British public-service television broadcaster, largely commercially self-funded. Channel 4 News is noted for its extensive coverage of international news and good background reports on current affairs. It is anchored by Jon Snow and is on the air Monday to Friday from 19:00-19:55 on Channel 4 and at variable times on weekends. The news is most popular in the evenings as a large population of the audience are home from school, work etc. The News is after the popular shows such as 'The Simpsons', 'Hollyoaks' therefore attracts a large audience as they would be watching the channel after the shows. Channel 4 is mostly to entertain however it informs and educates too. Many news channels have their own websites online now therefore a large audience would access the Channel 4 news online, such as their website.

The Daily Mirror is a British national daily tabloid newspaper, it was founded by Alfred Harmsworth, who sold it to his brother Harold Harmsworth  in 1913. In 1963 a restructuring of the media interests of the Harmsworth family led to the Mirror becoming a part of International Publishing Corporation. The Mirror was owned by Robert Maxwell between 1984 and 1991. It is famous for it's wide range of celebrity gossips and sports attracting a large audience of working class and young adults, however I think the female audience would be more interested in the showbiz section whereas the male audience would be more interested in the sports section, the newspaper widely attracts both audiences of different ages. Newspapers are becoming more unpopular as new technology has been introduced such as phone apps which provide news therefore audiences who used to buy newspapers are unlikely to get them now as they would have access to it on their phone. However I think a elderly audience would still like to read newspapers and buy them as it has become a tradition to them.


SourceFed is a news website and YouTube channel created by Philip DeFranco, produced by James Haffner on January 23, 2012, as part of YouTube's $100 million original channel initiative. SourceFed's channel includes numerous shows, the staple show being SourceFed, originally named 20 Minutes or Less; a news show which presents five news related videos daily from Monday to Thursday. The SourceFed team consists of hosts, editors, bloggers, and one producer. The hosts are YouTube bloggers who are used like reporters, but only exclusive on the Internet and not on television or on radio. The demographic audiences attracted to this e-media source would be a young audience from 14 to 25 as the show informs the audience about the top news around however creates humour and allows the audience to stay amused with the creative images and gestures used by the hosts as it creates interest and wanting the audience want to watch more as normal news is boring for a younger audience. In addition SourceFed is a channel where an organised team allow to explain the news in their own way which shows the digital and new media is becoming more advanced and as technology is improving audiences would rather use the new media. Moreover a larger audience are on the internet browsing such as 'Youtube' therefore they would watch this channel as part of entertainment as well as inform.

Weekly NMD Story...

Apple iPhone fingerprint sensor hacked by Germany's Chaos Computer Club...
An Apple employee instructs the use of the fingerprint scanner technology built into the iPhone 5S during a media event held in Beijing, China.

Apple has recently launched their new device iPhone 5S which consists a fingerprint sensor on the home button, it allows you to have up to five fingerprint scans with any finger, however two days after the release worldwide, Germany's Chaos Computer Club says it has a 'cracked protection'. A hacking team posted on their site, a users fingerprint, which was photographed from a glass surface and then created a 'fake fingerprint' that could be put onto a thin film and used with a real finger to unlock the phone. This creates high concerns for businesses and other audiences as hackers could access accounts easily with the users single fingerprint, therefore it rises the risk of a security breach.
On the other hand Apple say the touch ID will add new sections of your fingerprint to improve matching accuracy and high level of security. Moreover they said  "Every fingerprint is unique, so it is rare that even a small section of two separate fingerprints are alike enough to register as a match for Touch ID. The probability of this happening is 1 in 50,000 for one enrolled finger. This is much better than the 1 in 10,000 odds of guessing a typical 4-digit passcode. Although some passcodes, like "1234", may be more easily guessed, there is no such thing as an easily guessable fingerprint pattern."

- The claim is backed up with a video.
- Security risks.
- The fingerprint which is copied is at high resolution to create a 2400 pixel-per-inch scan.
- probability of this happening is 1 in 50,000.

I think the iPhone 5S has come out very quick after the iPhone 5 although there was many problems including the new software IOS 7, however I think the technology built in is very clever, businesses and a higher demographic audience would be more interested in this phone.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Weekly NDM Story...

iPhone 5S – first impressions
- Iphone 5 was a disaster because of the faults that occurred therefore they had to relaunch the brand new phone again.
- However the Iphone 5 was released recently and they have already launched the iphone 5s which was to quick, with more advanced technology such as finger print recognition.
- I think many people would still upgrade to the iphone 5s as it's new and people would want to have the latest gadgets available as Apple is a famous brand used by many people.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

New & Digital Media

Who are the major players in terms of news providers in the UK and what exactly do they own?
The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) was founded in 18 October 1922 and owns £5.086 billion, the BBC broadcasts news related to the worlds major issues, politics, business and technology mostly. The BBC serves worldwide by television, radio as well as online, another example of an worldwide server is 'The Guardian'. The major players for BBC news are Lord Patten of Barnes (Chairman, BBC Trust) and Lord Hall of Birkenhead (Director-General).
Channel 4:
Channel 4 was launched in November 2 1982 owned by Channel Four Television Corporation. The channel was established to provide a fourth television service to the United Kingdom in addition to the television licence-funded BBC's two services and the single commercial broadcasting network, ITV. Channel Four has sister channels such as Film4, E4, More4, 4Music etc, the channel also has a time-shift services called Channel four plus one.