Monday, 30 September 2013

How has Citizenship and Journalism changed News?

Asian Tsunami...
On Sunday 26th December 2004 boxing day at 00.58.53 the Indian Ocean was struck by an massive earthquake in the centre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia also hitting other countries around such as Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Thailand and many more. The earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was deducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries and one million homeless. 
Moreover this was significant to citizen and journalism as this footage above was taken by actual people at the time of the event, they had posted the footage online such as social networking sites which spread the story around very quickly allowing family and friends from different countries to contact them loved ones.

Rodney King...

This was actual footage recorded by an member of the public using a camera and was broadcast online of Rodney King an African American who was racially abused by four Los Angeles police officers in 1991. The attack was very brutal as it was a racial attack, the police officers had accused King of drug use and violence therefore the police officers took action, however the video footage explains what really happened which was of  the officers pulling over King for speeding and beating him up several times with a taser. The officers Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, Theodore Briseno and Stacey Koon were charged with criminal offences and assault with an deadly weapon however as the sentence was set in Simi Valley L.A a majority of white people. The sentence was later on released, which caused riots as there was no African Americans as juries and many started to protest.
This event in 1991 was significant to citizen and journalism because the actual footage above shows what was actually witnessed of Rodney's Kings action. The footage reveals the truth about what actually happened, the footage was obviously taken by an citizen as it was not professional and happened to be there at the right time. 

7/7 Bombings...
The 7/7 bombings took place in London July 7th 2005, at 9:47 in the morning, where public transport was targeted as many people would be using the transport during rush hour. That morning four bombs were detonated, three targeting London Underground trains across the city and another late on a double decker bus in Travistock Square. The four terrorists involved in this terrifying tragedy died along with fifty-two people and seven hundred more were injured. This was a very significant day as it was the very first terrorist attack in the United Kingdom.
This is relation to citizen and journalism as the footage at the start of the clip was recording using a mobile phone at the time of the event, and was broadcast online.

Mumbai Terrorists Attack...
In 2008 Wednesday 26th November the Mumbai attacks involved twelve shootings and bombing attacks across the largest city and ended on Sunday 29th November. Furthermore, the Mumbai attackers were directed by the Lashkar-e-Taiba militant in Pakistan and there was ten young armed men trained and sent to Mumbai but had directions from people in Pakistan through mobile phones. The attack left 164 people killed and 308 people wounded.
The Mumbai bombings was significant to citizen and journalism as the footage was recorded on CCTV camera and became very useful for people to see what had happened. Moreover it was useful for police officers as they could investigate on the attack of how and when it all happened.

Virginia Tech Shooting... 
April 16th 2007 was the Virginia Tech massacre which took place on a campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blackburg United States. The massacre was the most shocking and deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in the United Stated, killing 32 people and wounded 17 others. Seung-Hui Cho committed suicide after the attacks.

This relates to citizen journalism through the footage taken by an citizen at the place of the attack, the footage shows at the beginning of the murderer firing two gun shots and the voice reaction of the people around which is very terrifying and was broadcast online.

Hudson River...
On January 15th 2009 the US Airways Flight 1549 was scheduled domestic commercial passenger flight from LaGuardia Airport in New York City to Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina, and onward to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in SeaTac, Washington. The flight has lost control of the engine power and landed in the Hudson River off midtown Manhatan. This was a very lucky event as the plane did not crash into the city killing hundreds off people whereas the pilot tried his best to keep his passengers from harm, luckily no one was killed.
This relates to citizen and journalism as the footage was recorded on a camera nearby to the event and captured the terrifying moments of the plan landing into the Hudson River.

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