Monday, 11 November 2013

Virtual Revolution...

The Virtual Revolution documentary talks about how the internet has had an impact in different countries around the world, it has been broadcast by the BBC.
The Great Levelling...
- Broadband in Africa
- Ghana first place to access internet
- Content to be replaced with the internet revolution 
- Web created wealth
- Blame to creation of web addicts 
- Impact on daily lives
- Digital divide: digital haves'digital have nots
- Challenges authority vs. Spying/censorship
- Distributes images, videos, posts etc.
- How the web is remaking the world?
- Web is where we spend our money
- Manchester and Central most logged on to sites 
- West London most blogs created
- Wikipedia is free and under comes authority, knowledge, ordinary people
- The 'Well' created social sites such as Facebook
-  Self expression should have no limits
- Internet and Industrial revolution 
- Challenges business models 
- Power to people, equal access to voices 
- Accuracy? on Wikipedia
- Web link pages delivered to us 
- Resists authority (can't control)
- URL (unique address for a document)
- Free 'Open source'
- Altair 8800
- To share music for free rather than buying it (Napster)
- Theft and privacy
- Hybrid future (old and new media, millions of voices)
- Paradox
- Limited place for cultural freedom
- The web levelling days are over?
- The web has one market place, one social place, one bookshop etc.

Statistics/Facts and Dates...
- 1960's Libertarianism  
- 1965 'Email' was introduced
- 1985 'The Well' was created in Sans Francisco 
- 1991 the first website created online
- 1995 'Internet Explorer' was launched 
- 1999 'Napster' was created (Music privacy)
- 2001 'Napster' was restricted/closed
- 2005 the first video was published on 'YouTube' 
- 35 million logs on in the UK
- 5 million dating in the UK 
- 40% of men watch porn
- 18 million people read blogs in West London
- 90% of the market was owned by Microsoft (monopoly, corporate ideology, monetize)
- 95% of music was not paid for
- More than 1 million hits a day (UGC)
- 130 million blogs 
- 21 million visit 'Ebay' a month in the UK
- 16 million visit 'Amazon' a month in the UK
- 38 million search for 'Google' around the world
- 90% of blogs are 'dormant'
- 2 billion online

Important People...
- Aleks Krotoski the Journalist of the documentary
- Sir Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of WWW
- Einaer contributor of Wikipedia
- Stewert Brand creator of The Well
- Ory created a wevsite called 'Ushahidi' people posting up abuses
- Charles Leedbeater author of 'We Think'
- Bob Finch a Rocket fanatic 
- Chad Hurley is the co-founder of 'YouTube'
- Jimmy Wales is the co-founder of Wikipedia 

Quotes from Important people...
- "It's all about letting people share information" Bill Gates 
- "Paradigm shift on a par with the printing press" Ory 
- "Exciting and revolutionary prospect" Al Gore
- "The internet was a challenge to authority" John Perry Barlow
-"Connecting humanity" Tim Berners-Lee
- "How mankind communicates" - Bill Gates
- "Empowering Tool" Al Gore
- "Internet powering brain" Bill Gates
- "Against Wikipedia" Lee
- "The web is inventing society" Aleks Krotoski 

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