The Great Levelling...
- Broadband in Africa
- Ghana first place to access internet
- Content to be replaced with the internet revolution
- Web created wealth
- Blame to creation of web addicts
- Impact on daily lives
- Digital divide: digital haves'digital have nots
- Challenges authority vs. Spying/censorship
- Distributes images, videos, posts etc.
- How the web is remaking the world?
- Web is where we spend our money
- Manchester and Central most logged on to sites
- West London most blogs created
- Wikipedia is free and under comes authority, knowledge, ordinary people
- The 'Well' created social sites such as Facebook
- Self expression should have no limits
- Internet and Industrial revolution
- Challenges business models
- Power to people, equal access to voices
- Accuracy? on Wikipedia
- Web link pages delivered to us
- Resists authority (can't control)
- URL (unique address for a document)
- Free 'Open source'
- Altair 8800
- To share music for free rather than buying it (Napster)
- Theft and privacy
- Hybrid future (old and new media, millions of voices)
- Paradox
- Limited place for cultural freedom
- The web levelling days are over?
- The web has one market place, one social place, one bookshop etc.
Statistics/Facts and Dates...
- 1960's Libertarianism
- 1965 'Email' was introduced
- 1985 'The Well' was created in Sans Francisco
- 1991 the first website created online
- 1995 'Internet Explorer' was launched
- 1999 'Napster' was created (Music privacy)
- 2001 'Napster' was restricted/closed
- 2005 the first video was published on 'YouTube'
- 35 million logs on in the UK
- 5 million dating in the UK
- 40% of men watch porn
- 18 million people read blogs in West London
- 90% of the market was owned by Microsoft (monopoly, corporate ideology, monetize)
- 95% of music was not paid for
- More than 1 million hits a day (UGC)
- 130 million blogs
- 21 million visit 'Ebay' a month in the UK
- 16 million visit 'Amazon' a month in the UK
- 38 million search for 'Google' around the world
- 90% of blogs are 'dormant'
- 2 billion online
Important People...
- Aleks Krotoski the Journalist of the documentary
- Sir Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of WWW
- Einaer contributor of Wikipedia
- Stewert Brand creator of The Well
- Ory created a wevsite called 'Ushahidi' people posting up abuses
- Charles Leedbeater author of 'We Think'
- Bob Finch a Rocket fanatic
- Chad Hurley is the co-founder of 'YouTube'
- Jimmy Wales is the co-founder of Wikipedia
Quotes from Important people...
- "It's all about letting people share information" Bill Gates
- "Paradigm shift on a par with the printing press" Ory
- "Exciting and revolutionary prospect" Al Gore
- "The internet was a challenge to authority" John Perry Barlow
-"Connecting humanity" Tim Berners-Lee
- "How mankind communicates" - Bill Gates
- "Empowering Tool" Al Gore
- "Internet powering brain" Bill Gates
- "Against Wikipedia" Lee
- "The web is inventing society" Aleks Krotoski
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