Facebook 10 years on: how has the social networking site changed your life? Facebook reports 1.23 billion users and has shifted social interaction on a grand scale. Tell us how the social networking site changed your life...
Has Facebook changed your life? Co-founder, chairman and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.
The creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerburg has changed the way we socialise by connecting us with hundreds of friends. Facebook was invented ten years ago and statics show the increase of the older demographic audience becoming more active on Facebook than the younger audiences throughout the years. A report by Princeton researchers found that Facebook is an 'infectious disease' and suggested that 'we are slowly becoming immune to it's attractions'. They noted a 25% drop in the number of younger users, but an 80% in users with an age of 55 and above. Audiences use Facebook to share their information, pictures, videos etc to praise and share everything they want to post however Facebook can also have it's negative aspects such as people losing their jobs, relationships, friendship and more.
- Facebook reports 1.23 billion users and has shifted social interaction on a grand scale.
- 25% drop in the number of younger users, but an 80% surge in users with an age of 55 and above.
- Has Facebook changed peoples lives?
'Tell us how Facebook has changed your life. Do you feel more connected or more lonely? Do you have closer or more distant friendships? What's the strangest thing that's ever happened to you on Facebook? Have you posted something you now regret?'

04 February 2014 10:44am
This comment has been chosen by Guardian staff because it contributes to the debate:
Facebook connected me with my wife. We had been friends in our teens, living on the same housing development, but we lost touch as our families moved away and us with them. I'd not even intended to even get involved on Facebook but shortly after setting up my account, I'd found long lost friends and even made new acquaintances.
I am very happily married and without Facebook that would not now be the case, I'm sure
This comment has been chosen by Guardian staff because it contributes to the debate:
The thing I love most about Facebook is that it has given me the opportunity to get to know people in a way that I would never have done without it and keep in contact with people I should have made more effort to see.
Like my Aunties and cousins or the people I went to school with who were likely the most influential and important part of my formative years, who through Facebook I get to speak to, catch up with, see them build homes and families and live their lives, again in a way I never would have without it - and without having to wait 40 years to run into them in Tesco! Or the people I studied with and worked with over the last 10 years, the people that keep me intellectually and otherwise stimulated, who inspire my future and march (or stagger) onward towards it with me.
My point being - Facebook has become a ubiquitous part of mine and many others' lives. I for one am extremely grateful for this.
04 February 2014 12:51pm
I only joined it for a while. Before I joined it, I was just me. Then when I joined it, I became curator in the museum of me. After a while I decided I didn't want to be a museum curator, so left. Now I'm me again, and I don't pray at the glowing rectangular altar quite as much now.
Overall I think Facebook has changed people over the years, as the target audience for Facebook has also effected the number users active this year. The younger audiences are more distracted from Facebook now as the older generation are getting to know it more and becoming the popular users. The younger generation have seemed to move on other social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat which are the latest social sites out today therefore feel free to be on that, than Facebook as their families are more likely to use it. Moreover Facebook has changed many lives of people such as posting negative things and getting a bad reputation out of it or people losing their jobs and getting into trouble.