Sunday, 2 March 2014

#3 Weekly NDM Story...

Paywalls or not? It's as easy as ABC. Readership figures for the Times and Sunday Times versus the Guardian and Observer show the difference a paywall makes...
The Guardian newspaper in print on and on ipad.
The Guardian website on the iPad.

The latest ABC report says the Times has 75,597 tablet subscribers and the Sunday Times 88,603. It's impossible to work out what revenue that tots up to over a year of £6 a week, because ABC doesn't deal in bargain introductory offers and churn. The Guardian has no general paywall; £6.99 a month on tablet and smartphone. But relatively open access adds 141.8% to the total readership of the Guardian and Observer, turning 907,000 daily print followers into 2,194,000.

- Times has 75,597 tablet subscribers
- Sunday Times 88,603 tablet subscribers
- The Guardian Open access adds 141.8% 
- Guardian and Observer, turning 907,000 daily print followers into 2,194,000

I think paywalls have risen over the years to attract a larger audience. As print newspapers are in decline, online news websites have become the next new sources therefore creating these paywalls have increased the number on subscribers.

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